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Identifying Your Training Needs

By: Emma Jones - Updated: 5 Sep 2012 | comments*Discuss
Training Job Appraisal Identify Targets

The best way to progress well in your first job is to get the right training and learn the skills you need to be the best at your new role. Your company should offer you training but whether it is in-house or a specific course, it is always worth asking for more. To make the most of the opportunities you should identify your weaknesses and any specific training needs that you have. Then you can make some targets and ask for the training that you need.

Identify Your Weaknesses

The only way that you can improve your weaknesses at work is by identifying and targeting them. Work out which areas of your job you struggle the most with and would be most useful to improve. It may a particular aspect of your job, a soft skill or a system or process that is specific to your new company. It is worth thinking about which skills will be most valued by you employer and help your career progression in the future.

Use Your Appraisals Constructively

Sometimes it can be difficult to look at your own work objectively and identify your areas of weaknesses. You should have regular appraisals in your new job when your boss will assess your work, so try to use these constructively. Ask for some honest feedback about your skills and then use this information to make targets for yourself and to ask for training.

Making Targets

It is unrealistic to think that you are going to learn everything that you need to know in your first few months on the job. In fact, you will be unable to take in and retain all the information so in the long term, it would not help you. Work out what skills you need to develop and which training could facilitate this. Then set yourself targets for when you would like to achieve these goals and work out how to do so.

Asking For Training

Your new company has employed you because they believe you can do your job well but they don’t expect you to know everything. What they do expect is that you will be committed to your job and eager to learn and progress in your role. By asking for training you are showing that you want to improve your skills and be a better employee. Before asking for training, have a clear idea about what you want, why, and how it would make you more productive. If you have examples of specific training courses that are available, then all the better.

Asking for training is not a sign that you are not good at your job, but that you are keen to be the best at it that you can. Identify you areas of weaknesses and ask your boss for feedback on your skills. Then work out which areas you would like to improve on and set yourself realistic targets for improving. Before asking for training, be able to clearly talk about what you want, why and how it will make you better at your job.

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