Settling In...
Below are our articles on the subject of Settling In. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Adjusting to your New Hours of Work
Get used to your new working hours by making sure you are well rested and take regular breaks....
Build Rapport with your Colleagues
Building a rapport with your colleagues will make your work day easier....
Do the Menial Tasks at Work
Menial tasks are never fun but there are ways to make the work easier....
Have a Positive Work Attitude
Having a positive attitude at work will help you and your career....
Out with the Old Work Habits; Time to Refresh
Looking at your work habits and making a positive change will help you do better at your job....
Setting a Good Impression at Work
First impressions count so make a good one by being eager to learn and willing to get stuck in at work....
Understand the Office Politics
Understanding the office politics...
Using a Mentor in the Workplace
Having a mentor in your workplace can help you settle in and let you learn from their experiences....
What are the Unwritten Rules of your New Workplace?
What are the unwritten yours of your new workplace?...